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Building New Pyramids: An Organic Vision for the Future - The New Pyramids Tech Stack

Building New Pyramids: An Organic Vision for the Future - The New Pyramids Tech Stack Introduction In our pursuit of creating a new civilization rooted in the principles of the "Universal Declaration of Organic Rights," the New Pyramids project embodies an ambitious vision. It aims to integrate advanced agricultural techniques, sustainable energy solutions, and cutting-edge technology to build autonomous, self-sustaining communities. This essay explores the comprehensive tech stack and innovative strategies that will transform this vision into reality by 2030, aligning with our goals of massive food production and organic farming, strictly adhering to organic, non-GMO, and non-synthetic principles, while utilizing hemp-derived carbon nanosheet composite materials extensively. Advanced Agriculture Techniques Aeroponics, Hydroponics, and Aquaponics: These soilless cultivation methods are central to our farming strategy. Aeroponics will allow plants to grow in a nutrient-rich m
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New Pyramids - Moncton NB Feasibility Study and Project Planning Outline

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Business Plan for the Organic Revolution by 2030

### Business Plan for the Organic Revolution of 2030 **Executive Summary:** This business plan outlines a comprehensive strategy to complete the Organic Revolution by 2030. It aims to universally ban non-organic practices, transition from fossil industries to sustainable organic hemp technology, and legalize all safe, organic plant-based drugs and medications. The plan emphasizes the criminalization of non-organic agricultural and industrial processes and leverages the myriad uses of organic hemp, including Hemp-derived Carbon Nanosheets Infused Composite Technologies (H-dCNs-ICT), which NATO has shown interest in. --- **1. Vision and Mission** **Vision:**   To create a sustainable, organic civilization where non-organic practices are banned, and organic hemp technology leads the way in agricultural, industrial, and medical advancements. **Mission:**   To protect organic life through sustainable practices, the legalization of safe organic drugs, and the widespread adoption of hemp tech